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Heart Shape Confetti

Women's Health Coaching

It happens EVERY month. You become a version of yourself that you have come to hate. Woman health issues such as PMS, PMDD, Endometriosis, and many others do not have to run your life.

Every month it feels like the flood gates open...



Uncontrollable mood swings.

Deep sadness.


Disconnected from love and joy.

And then comes the...

Guilt & Shame

around your inability to control your emotions and how you treated your loved ones.


You are not alone.

You are not crazy.

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Coaching provides a safe space to explore your unique challenges and empower you to manage your symptoms.

Overall the goal is to improve your quality of life by learning how to emotionally regulate and manage your monthly symptoms.

Together we will discuss...


Stress management

Emotional regulation

Importance of self-love/self-care


Explore lifestyle changes to boost happiness

Ways to support you within your relationships, enabling you to communicate your challenges in a constructive way

Ways to improve social life

Each session will be individualized to meet your needs

Reaching Out to the Sun

Coaching could be a Good Fit for You If:

  • You’re interested in improving your overall health and well-being

  • You want extra support as you navigate improving a healthy lifestyle

Coaching Is Not for You If:

  • You are looking for a diagnosis or a treatment plan (please see a licensed medical professional for this)

  • You want someone to tell you which supplements to take or a specific diet to follow (please see a licensed dietician or licensed nutritionist)

  • You want or need psychotherapy (please see a licensed therapist or counselor)

  • You are looking for a quick fix

  • You experience suicide ideation (please see a licensed therapist or counselor)

Please Note: I do NOT accept clients who are actively suicidal. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts/ideation, please call 911, go to your nearest emergency room, or contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988.

Image by Brett Jordan

How does coaching work?

Is coaching right for me?


Schedule a free, 20 minute phone consultation to discuss what goals you have and what coaching can offer. From there, we can discuss and decide if coaching services are appropriate.

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