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Hanging Hearts

Heart Wall Removal

One of the best parts of the Emotion Code™ is removing the Heart-Wall. It is estimated that 93% of the human population have a literal wall around the heart made of multiple layers of trapped emotional energy.


When we feel emotional pain or distress, our heart can be injured, hurt or broken. Just think of the words 'heartache' or 'heartbreak'. To protect ourselves we put up a 'wall' around our heart. This is built out of the energy of trapped emotions. Unfortunately, the heart wall ® doesn't dissolve on its own usually, even if we don't need it anymore. So having a heart-wall ® is like living in a bomb shelter. Great for when we need it, but afterwards it can be suffocating and we could feel disconnected, numb, sad or like we are on the inside looking out at life. But the good news is that we can release it! One layer or emotion at a time, and then it's like the sun is shining in, with fresh air.    


Can You Guarantee Results?​


No! You are in control of your journey. Many clients see positive shifts and improvements in overall health, but your journey is yours. You get what you put into it.

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