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Yoga by the Pool

Emotion Code

The Emotion Code ® is an energy healing technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It is designed to identify and release Trapped Emotions (harmful energies from negative past events). Trapped emotions may cause imbalances in the energy field and chakra system. These trapped emotions may also cause feelings of anxiety, depression, apathy, and block people from love, happiness, and the ability to connect with others and to their own divine inner intuition.

Emotions are made of energy just like the body. When an event causes us an overwhelming amount of a certain emotional energy, they can get trapped to protect us and to deal with later. These emotional energies may have been trapped at any point in our lives, as well as absorbed from others, absorbed in our mother's wombs, or inherited. These trapped emotions can also influence the physical body and may cause discomfort and potentially dis-ease.

Releasing these trapped emotions is quick and releases them forever!  Releasing these trapped emotions helps to create balance in the body and this in turn will also create ideal conditions for the body to heal. The release of these emotions may also help with healing physical pains, anxieties, and getting rid of any blocks that are keeping you from achieving your goals. An Emotion Code® session is also extremely private as there is no need to give every detail from every event from your past or needing to re-live any past traumas.

Many users of Emotion Code report having positive outcomes with:

Experience More Peace

You may feel lighter, calmer or more at peace. Not feel so stressed or overwhelmed with life

Easing Physical Discomfort

You may get relief from distress and suffering, and alleviate their potential causes

Love & Relationships

You could remove barriers to love and increase your ability to connect

Creating More Success

You can experience more abundance and open the door to prosperity

Healing Generations

It’s possible to heal your own energy, as well that of past and future generations

Helping Animals

You may even help pets and other animals feel and function better

What are trapped emotions and why do emotions get trapped?

​Emotions from negative or emotionally-charged events (big and small) can get trapped in our bodies and stay there for years. These stuck emotions can be old traumas, a past hurt, or inherited and passed down to you. This invisible emotional energy causes discomfort, imbalance, pain and dis-ease. It can also cause a heavy emotional toll and impact how you think, feel, and behavior.  It is completely natural to have trapped emotions. Many people have many layers of trapped emotions needing  to be cleared. We hold onto these old experiences and hurts until we are ready to let them go. ​


How does it work?

Trapped emotions are identified using specific questioning and muscle testing (kinesiology). Muscle testing is a process of asking your subconscious yes or no questions to determine which trapped emotions need to be cleared. The process of identifying a trapped emotion brings it into your consciousness so it can be released with intention. Often, you’ll experience a memory or feeling when the emotion is identified and it has the chance to be acknowledged and released. Some practitioners will use a magnet to aid the release (by passing a magnet over the Governing Meridian), but the trapped emotions can also be cleared energetically.


What happens after a session (HUMANS)?

You may notice shifts immediately – many people report feeling lighter/relaxed or it may be more gradual. You may not notice anything, but know that whatever healing is needed will be occurring. Every person is different and every healing experience unique.

Following a session, there will be healing and integration which may last a few hours, days or longer. Like with any healing, it is advisable to practice good self-care – drinking plenty of water, getting sleep, and be gentle with yourself.

What happens after a session (ANIMALS)?

You may notice shifts immediately in your animal – many reported noticing feelings of their animal being happier and more relaxed.  .​

Following a session, there will be healing and integration which may last a few hours, days or longer.

Can You Guarantee Results?​


No! You are in control of your journey. Many clients see positive shifts and improvements in overall health, but your journey is yours. You get what you put into it.

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